Jelly Roll Race! A Quilt Top in Less Than an Hour! -- Jenny Doan shows how to make the extremely popular Jelly Roll Race Quilt. It's a quilt top that involves 1,600 inches of fabric that you can get done in less than an hour (and end up with a beautiful quilt!)
Square in a Square Quilt -- Jenny shows how to make a beautiful quilt using the Square in a Square pattern. To get the materials needed to make this project, follow the links below. Charm Packs - the best selection on the internet!: Jelly Rolls (hundreds to choose from): Kona Cotton Solids Honey Buns from Robert Kaufman: The Lottie Da collection by Heather Bailey is not currently available.
Pinwheel—Easy Quilting w/Layer Cakes!
Jenny Doan shows us how to make TWO different variations on the Disappearing Pinwheel Block: The Disappearing Pinwheel 3 (Friendship Star) and The Disappearing Pinwheel 4 (Whirlygig)!
The Beach Ball Quilt- Easy Quilting With Jelly Rolls!
Jenny Doan shows us how to make a fun Beach Ball quilt with Jelly Rolls.
Great for using up Jelly Roll scraps!
Falling Charms Quilt - Quilting With Charm Packs
Jenny Doan shows how to make the easy, yet stunning "Falling Charms" quilt using charm packs and jelly roll strips.
Tube Quilt - Jenny Doan demonstrates the magic of tube sewing. It's fun, fast, easy, and makes various lovely quilting blocks. This video was inspired by an idea shared by one of our forum members.
English Paper Piecing Tutorial
This video teaches you how to sew English paper pieced motifs for quilts and other projects. For this method, you will need EPP paper templates, sewing shears, an iron, and both contrasting and coordinating thread. By Vicki Bellino of Bloom Creek, exclusively for
Making a Bias Tube
Easy step by step how to - for making a bias tube.