Committees & Chairpersons

One wonderful way to get to know other quilters is to volunteer to be on a committee! Please consider helping the guild out by giving a little bit of your time to serve on one. For more information, please contact one of the board members.

Lowell Museum Rep. - Barbara Bergantz

Fabric & Deacon’s Raffles - Fiona Mckenna & Judy Gannon

Facebook - Vickie Hill

Fundraising - Kate Muller, Jane Sedrick, Dianne DalPra

Hospitality - Lorraine Belanger, Jane Blais, Juanita Dangel, Marianne Karp

Membership - Celeste Catano & Marilyn Plummer

Newsletter - Trudi Costa

Photographer - Jessie Sweeney

Programs - Marie Poate, Barbara Bergantz, Sheri Nemerson, Marilyn Plummer

Quilt Challenge - Beth Blankenstein & Ronald Blankenstein

Quilts for Kids - Marie Poate & Karen Kopp

Quilts of Valor - Alice Raymond & Kate Muller

Retreats - Vickie Hill & Alice Raymond

Sit & Sew - Dianne DalPra & Alice Raymond

Sunshine - Elyse Grubis

Web Master - Vickie Hill & Barbara Bergantz