Show & Tell - June 2015

Even though this was our June Show & Tell, we were anticipating not only July 4th but also celebrating Christmas in July by making various gifts.  Sandy and Paula came up with some great ideas as you will see.

Show & Tell - May 2015

The kitchen crew decorated with a beach theme and invited anyone to wear a hat which several did to bring on the summer after such a wintery winter!

The quilt challenge was revealed and voted upon. Each block represents an adjetive...some were pretty tough but all came through. Great job by all participants and special thanks to Jane for pulling it off!

Show & Tell - April 2015

The highlight of the April "show 'n tell" was the unveling of a library cart which will be housed in the basement of the Church. Yes, there is an elevator. Diane and Linda no longer will have to lug those heavy library books to and from the car.

Show & Tell - March 2015

Show & Tell - January 2015

Each meeting is preceeded by "snack 'n yack" and there's plenty of each to go around!

Show & Tell - October 2014

The Guild had it's own pumpkin festival and to help celebrate was our speaker Maureen Blanchard owner of Cobblestone Quilts, Townsend, MA. 

Members were to guess how many pumpkin seeds were in this head. Would you believe well over 300!

Show & Tell - July 2014

Show & Tell continues with Guild Members "first quilt" or quilt project. Shown is Anne-Marie with her first quilt. Through the four blocks, she learned different techniques.

Most of the first quilts shown were all hand quilted and some hand pieced as well. 

Guild Quilt Retreat - April 26 2014

A retreat environment to help one create beautiful quilts in a very relaxed atmosphere. You don't even have to cook a meal! 

Show & Tell - April 2014

The first of an annual fund raiser for the New England Quilt Museum. What a great time we all had and it was made possible through donations of quilt related treasures from members who in turn purchased "new" treasures. 

Show & Tell - February 2014

Ralph D. a Veteran ,was the recipient of a Quilt of Valor. He and his wife Alberta so appreciated the gift. 

Since the Bedford School system was having early dismissal due to a snow storm, BFQG also had an early dismissal but not before some of us made it to the snack table once again.

Show & Tell - January 2014

One of our members Charlotte S. husband, John, accepts his Quilt of Valor upon returning from a tour of duty in Kuwait. Our Membership gave him a standing ovation. Welcome home John.